Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Is it okay to cut off my cats nails?

will they grow back?Is it okay to cut off my cats nails?
Well, you can't cut them off, but if you are careful, you can safely trim only the tips off. Make sure you don't cut the quick, the part where the blood vessel is. I trim our cat's nails every two weeks, that's as long as it takes for them to get deadly sharp again!Is it okay to cut off my cats nails?
Clip just the pointed tips. There are veins inside the claws and if you cut too deep they will bleed. Also, ask your vet about nail caps. They go over your cat's claws and are a great alternative to declawing.
As the others have said, yes you can trim them (not too short) but they will grow back.

As for declawing, it is NOT recommended. In order to permanently keep a cat's claws from growing back, they must remove a section within the cat's paw inside each individual toe. It would be comparable to having the top part of your finger, from where it bends to the tip, removed. Extremely unpleasent, don't you think?

If you are really having a problem with your cat clawing at things, try working with your cat on their behavior and try using those rubber claw covers that can be placed over the claws and glued on. That way, they still have their claws, but they can't do any damage.
you can't cut them off.... you can trim them. be sure to use a pair of clippers intended for feline use.
Yes you can trim them but you have to be VERY careful not to cut them to short cats have a veiv that goes partial way in the nail if you cut it to short it will bleed REALLY bad....and yes they do grow back they are very simular to human finger nails.
It's ok to give your cat's claws a bit of a trim, just don't trim them too short. Have you ever clipped your toenails too short ? If so then you know how much it hurts. Yes your cat's claws will grow back, I'm speaking from experience, I suffered a deep scratch when my cat 'Martini' was just a baby kitten and boy did she learn her lesson. I've never had to trim them again since. Good luck! Bee
Cut them back like you would your own with clippers, but not too short, so that they don't bleed. Yes their nails grow back like our.
only trim , the vet knows what they are doing!!!!!!
yes its ok go get some cat/dog clippers. theres clippers out there made to trim cat/dog nails just take other ppl advice and dont cut too close to their nail base. if u do u'll know ur cat will start fighting u more than it normally will from u just clipping them. good luck and have fun .... 8 XD
Yes, it's fine they will grow back. Just be sure not to knick the ends of the toes while you are at it.
You can trim them, but it's not OK to cut them completely off. That would be a serious injury to the cat!

Here's an instructional video from the Cornell Feline Health Center:

If I were you I would take it to the vet and have then to take the out for you.
yes they'll grow back, but dont cut them too short, or you will clip them and they will bleed. Also, you can get them declawed.
Buy an small animal nail clipper and clip very carefully. If you clip too short you will hit a nerve and it will bleed alot. On most cats you can look at the nail and see the nerve running down inside the nail.(or artery if you will) Yes, the nails will sure grow back!
Yes clipping claws is okay.You need to watch not to cut to short.Best take to vet or groomer.If you can afford it declaw.Cost about $60. for front and same for back.Really only need front done thats the ones that do all the furniture damage.
You can't cut them off, but you can trim them.

It's easier if you start when they are babies that way they are used to having their paws touched, sometimes older cats aren't to happy having theirs touched.

You could try a groomer, it's not real expensive and that way you know that they aren't trimmed to short.

But PLEASE DO NOT get you cat declawed...when a cat is declawed the first joint in each toe is amputated...and that's just plain cruel and inhumane.

In fact it's so cruel that none of the four Vets in the town where I live will do it...I say good for them!

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