Thursday, January 21, 2010

Are you supposed to clip a pet rats nails?

they are getting pretty long... what am i supposed to do?Are you supposed to clip a pet rats nails?
Don't clip them. Go to the pet store and buy it something to chew on. This will keep their teeth and claws short because they'll scratch at it too.Are you supposed to clip a pet rats nails?
No, you don't clip rats nails.

Their nails are similar to cats, as they have the sheath (the part that has the sharp tip) covering the new nail and quick. It is possible to clip them but is not recommend, because their toes are very sensitive and in is easy to catch the quick while cutting them.
don't clip their nails!!! you might end up seriously hurting your rat! you don't know where the nerve endings in your rat's claws begin! a rats nails don't need trimming! they need their nails to climb... if they are REALLY long which i have never heard of then take them to a vet, but do not cut them your self!!!
I would worry more about his teeth.

They constantly grow similar to beavers.

That is why beavers chew on trees,to keep them short.

Rats do likewise by chewing through concrete,walls etc.
No, you don't have to but you can. I wouldn't do it though. Rats are so smart! :)
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